Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging.config
import os
import shutil
import time
from import Hashable, Sequence
from pathlib import Path

import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.utils import Frozen

from miranda.scripting import LOGGING_CONFIG

from ._input import discover_data
from .utils import delayed_write, get_global_attrs, get_time_attrs, sort_variables


__all__ = [

_data_folder = Path(__file__).parent / "data"
chunk_configurations = json.load(open(_data_folder / "ouranos_chunk_config.json"))

[docs] def prepare_chunks_for_ds( ds: xr.Dataset, chunks: dict[str, str | int] ) -> dict[str, int]: """Prepare the chunks to be used to write Dataset. This includes translating the time chunks, making sure chunks are not too small, and removing -1. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset that we want to write with the chunks. chunks : dict Desired chunks in human-readable format (with "4 years" and -1). Returns ------- dict Chunks in a format that is ready to be used to write to disk. """ # check if any of the chunks are strings and need to be translated if any(isinstance(x, str) for x in chunks.values()): calendar, size = get_time_attrs(ds) chunks = translate_time_chunk(chunks, calendar, size) # replace -1 that netcdf can't handle and cut chunks that are too big for the dim for dim, c in chunks.copy().items(): length = ds.dims[dim] if c == -1 or c > length:"Chunk was changed from {c} to {length} for dimension {dim}.") chunks[dim] = length return chunks
# Shamelessly stolen and modified from xscen
[docs] def translate_time_chunk(chunks: dict, calendar: str, timesize: int) -> dict: """Translate chunk specification for time into a number. Notes ----- -1 translates to `timesize` 'Nyear' translates to N times the number of days in a year of calendar `calendar`. """ for k, v in chunks.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): chunks[k] = translate_time_chunk(v.copy(), calendar, timesize) elif k == "time" and v is not None: if isinstance(v, str) and v.endswith("years"): n = int(str(chunks["time"]).strip("years").strip()) Nt = n * {"noleap": 365, "360_day": 360, "all_leap": 366}.get( calendar, 365.25 ) chunks[k] = int(Nt) elif v == -1: chunks[k] = timesize return chunks
[docs] def fetch_chunk_config( priority: str, freq: str, dims: Sequence[str] | dict[str, int] | Frozen | tuple[Hashable], default_config: dict = chunk_configurations, ) -> dict[str, int]: """ Parameters ---------- priority : {"time", "files"} Specifies whether the chunking regime should prioritize file granularity ("files") or time series ("time"). freq : {"1hr", "day", "month"} The time frequency of the input data. dims : sequence of str The dimension names that will be used for chunking. default_config : dict The dictionary to use for determining the chunking configuration. Returns ------- dict[str, int] """ if isinstance(dims, (dict, Frozen)): dims = {k for k in dims.keys()} if priority in default_config: if freq in default_config[priority]: for config in default_config[priority][freq].keys(): if set(default_config[priority][freq][config]).issubset(dims): return default_config[priority][freq][config] raise KeyError(f"Chunk dimensions `{dims}` configuration not found.") raise KeyError(f"Frequency `{freq}` configuration not found.") raise KeyError(f"Priority regime `{priority}` configuration not found.")
[docs] def rechunk_files( input_folder: str | os.PathLike, output_folder: str | os.PathLike, project: str | None = None, time_step: str | None = None, chunking_priority: str = "auto", target_chunks: dict[str, int] | None = None, variables: Sequence[str] | None = None, suffix: str = "nc", output_format: str = "netcdf", overwrite: bool = False, ) -> None: """Rechunks dataset for better loading/reading performance. Warnings -------- Globbing assumes that target datasets to be rechunked have been saved in NetCDF format. File naming requires the following order of facets: `{variable}_{time_step}_{institute}_{project}_reanalysis_*.nc`. Chunking dimensions are assumed to be CF-Compliant (`lat`, `lon`, `rlat`, `rlon`, `time`). Parameters ---------- input_folder : str or os.PathLike Folder to be examined. Performs globbing. output_folder : str or os.PathLike Target folder. project : str, optional Supported projects. Used for determining chunk dictionary. Superseded if `target_chunks` is set. time_step : {"1hr", "day"}, optional Time step of the input data. Parsed from dataset attrs if not set. Superseded if `target_chunks` is set. chunking_priority: {"time", "files", "auto"} The chunking regime to use. Default: "auto". target_chunks : dict, optional Must include "time", optionally "lat" and "lon", depending on dataset structure. variables : Sequence[str], optional If no variables set, will attempt to process all variables supported based on project name. suffix : {"nc", "zarr"} Suffix used to identify data files. Default: "nc". output_format : {"netcdf", "zarr"} Default: "zarr". overwrite : bool Will overwrite files. For zarr, existing folders will be removed before writing. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(input_folder, str): input_folder = Path(input_folder).expanduser() if isinstance(output_folder, str): output_folder = Path(output_folder).expanduser() output_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if target_chunks is None or time_step is None: test_file = next(input_folder.glob(f"*.{suffix}")) if project is None: logging.warning( "`project` and `target_chunks` not set. Attempting to find `project` from attributes" ) project = get_global_attrs(test_file).get("project") if not project: raise ValueError( "`project` not found. Must pass either `project` or `target_chunks`." ) if time_step is None: time_step = get_global_attrs(test_file).get("frequency") if not time_step: raise ValueError("Frequency not found in file attributes.") if output_format == "netcdf": output_suffix = "nc" if chunking_priority == "auto": chunking_priority = "files" elif output_format == "zarr": output_suffix = "zarr" if chunking_priority == "auto": chunking_priority = "time" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Output format: `{output_format}`.") files_found = discover_data(input_folder, suffix=suffix) variable_sorted = sort_variables(files_found, variables) errored = list() start_all = time.perf_counter() for variable, files in variable_sorted.items(): start_var = time.perf_counter() for file in files: start = time.perf_counter() output_path = output_folder / "temp" output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) out = output_path / f"{file.stem}.{output_suffix}" if out.is_dir() or out.is_file(): if overwrite: if out.is_dir() and output_format == "zarr": logging.warning(f"Removing existing zarr files for {}.") shutil.rmtree(out) else:"Files exist: {}") continue ds = xr.open_dataset(file, chunks={"time": -1}) if target_chunks is None: chunk_config = fetch_chunk_config(chunking_priority, time_step, ds.dims) calendar, size = get_time_attrs(ds) target_chunks = translate_time_chunk(chunk_config, calendar, size) try: delayed_write( ds, out, output_format=output_format, overwrite=overwrite, target_chunks=target_chunks, ).compute() except KeyError: logging.warning(f"{file} has chunking errors. Verify data manually.") errored.append(file) continue"Done for {file.stem} in {time.perf_counter() - start:.2f} s")"Moving {} to {output_folder}.") shutil.move(out, output_folder) f"{variable} rechunked in {(time.perf_counter() - start_var) / 3600:.2f} h" ) continue f"All variables in {input_folder} rechunked in {time.perf_counter() - start_all}" ) if errored: errored_filenames = "\n".join(map(str, errored)) logging.warning(f"Errored files are as follows: \n{errored_filenames}")