Source code for miranda.decode._decoder

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import re
import warnings
from functools import partial
from logging import config
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from types import GeneratorType

import netCDF4 as nc  # noqa
import pandas as pd
import schema
import xarray as xr
import zarr
from pandas._libs.tslibs import NaTType  # noqa

from miranda.convert.utils import date_parser, find_version_hash  # noqa
from miranda.scripting import LOGGING_CONFIG
from miranda.units import get_time_frequency


    from miranda.validators import FACETS_SCHEMA  # noqa


__all__ = [

[docs]def guess_project(file: os.PathLike | str) -> str: """Guess the name of the project Parameters ---------- file : str or os.PathLike Returns ------- str """ file_name = Path(file).stem potential_names = file_name.split("_") if VALIDATION_ENABLED: for project, models in PROJECT_MODELS.items(): if any([model in potential_names for model in models]): return project raise DecoderError( f"Unable to determine project from file name: '{file_name}'." ) raise DecoderError("Project determination requires pyessv-archive source files.")
[docs]class Decoder: project = None guess = False _file_facets = dict() def __init__(self, project: str | None): self.project = project @staticmethod def _decoder( d: dict, fail_early: bool, proj: str, guess: bool, lock: mp.Lock, file: str | Path, ) -> None: if proj is None: if guess: try: proj = guess_project(file) except DecoderError: print( "Unable to determine 'activity': Signature for 'activity' must be set manually for file: " f"{file}." ) if fail_early: raise else: proj = "converted" decode_function_name = f"decode_{proj.lower().replace('-','_')}" try: with lock: _deciphered = getattr(Decoder, decode_function_name)(Path(file)) if fail_early: if VALIDATION_ENABLED: FACETS_SCHEMA.validate(_deciphered) else: print( "Validation requires pyessv-archive source files. Skipping validation checks." ) print( f"Deciphered the following from {Path(file).name}:\n" f"{_deciphered.items()}" ) d[file] = _deciphered except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError): print(f"Unable to read data from {Path(file)}. Ensure pathname is correct.") raise except schema.SchemaError as e: print(f"Decoded facets from {Path(file).name} are not valid: {e}")
[docs] def decode( self, files: os.PathLike | str | list[str | os.PathLike] | GeneratorType, chunks: int | None = None, raise_error: bool = False, ) -> None: """Decode facets from file or list of files. Parameters ---------- files : str or Path or list of str or Path or generator chunks : int, optional The chunk size used when processing files. Not to be confused with xarray chunks for dimensions. raise_error : bool """ if isinstance(files, (str, os.PathLike)): files = [files] if chunks is None and isinstance(files, list): if len(files) >= 10: chunk_size = 10 elif 1 <= len(files) < 10: chunk_size = len(files) else: raise ValueError("No file entries found.") elif isinstance(files, GeneratorType): chunk_size = 10 else: chunk_size = chunks if self.project is None: warnings.warn( "The decoder 'project' is not set; Decoding step will be much slower." ) else:"Deciphering metadata with project = '{self.project}'") with mp.Manager() as manager: _file_facets = manager.dict() lock = manager.Lock() func = partial( self._decoder, _file_facets, raise_error, self.project, self.guess, lock ) with mp.Pool() as pool: pool.imap(func, files, chunksize=chunk_size) pool.close() pool.join() self._file_facets.update(_file_facets)
[docs] def facets_table(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def file_facets(self) -> dict[os.PathLike, dict]: return self._file_facets
@classmethod def _from_dataset(cls, file: Path | str) -> (str, str, dict): file_name = Path(file).stem try: variable_name = cls._decode_primary_variable(file) except DecoderError: logging.error(f"Unable to open dataset: {}") raise datetimes = file_name.split("_")[-1] if file.is_file() and file.suffix in [".nc", ".nc4"]: with nc.Dataset(file, mode="r") as ds: data = dict() for k in ds.ncattrs(): data[k] = getattr(ds, k) elif file.is_dir() and file.suffix == ".zarr": with, mode="r") as ds: data = ds.attrs.asdict() else: raise DecoderError(f"Unable to read dataset: `{}`.") return variable_name, datetimes, data @staticmethod def _decode_primary_variable(file: Path) -> str: """Attempts to find the primary variable of a netCDF Parameters ---------- file: Path Returns ------- str """ dimsvar_dict = dict() coords = ( "height", "lat", "latitude", "lev", "level", "lon", "longitude", "rlat", "rlon", "rotated_pole", "time", ) try: if file.is_file() and file.suffix in [".nc", ".nc4"]: with nc.Dataset(file, mode="r") as ds: for var_name, var_attrs in ds.variables.items(): dimsvar_dict[var_name] = { k: var_attrs.getncattr(k) for k in var_attrs.ncattrs() } for k in dimsvar_dict.keys(): if not str(k).startswith(coords) and k in file.stem: return str(k) elif file.is_dir() and file.suffix == ".zarr": with, mode="r") as ds: for k in ds.array_keys(): if not str(k).startswith(coords) and k in file.stem: return str(k) else: raise NotImplementedError() except ValueError: raise DecoderError() @staticmethod def _decode_hour_of_day_info( file: PathLike | str, ) -> dict: """ Parameters ---------- file : Path or str Returns ------- dict """ if isinstance(file, str): file = Path(file) if file.is_file() and file.suffix in [".nc", ".nc4"]: with nc.Dataset(file, mode="r") as ds: if "time" in ds.variables.keys(): hour = nc.num2date( ds["time"][0], ds["time"].units, ds["time"].calendar ).hour else: hour = None return dict(hour_of_day=hour) elif file.is_dir() and file.suffix == ".zarr": warnings.warn("This is not currently implemented") # with, mode="r") as ds: # if "time" in ds.array_keys(): # pass return dict() else: raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def _decode_time_info( file: PathLike | str | list[str] | None = None, data: dict | None = None, term: str | None = None, *, field: str = None, ) -> str | NaTType: """ Parameters ---------- file : os.PathLike or str, optional data : dict, optional term : str field : {"timedelta", "frequency"} Returns ------- str or NaTType """ if not file and not data and not term: raise ValueError("Nothing passed to parse time info from.") if field == "frequency": time_dictionary = TIME_UNITS_TO_FREQUENCY elif field == "timedelta": time_dictionary = TIME_UNITS_TO_TIMEDELTA else: raise NotImplementedError() if term: if term in ["fx", "fixed"]: if field == "timedelta": return pd.NaT return "fx" return pd.to_timedelta(time_dictionary[term]) if data and not file: potential_time = data.get("frequency") if not potential_time: if hasattr(data, "time"): time_units = data["time"].units potential_time = time_units.split()[0] else: logging.warning( f"Could not find `frequency` or `time` for {Path(file).name}. Assuming `fx`." ) potential_time = "fx" if potential_time in ["ymon", "yseas", "fixed", "fx"]: logging.warning(f"Found `{potential_time}`. Frequency is likely `fx`.") if field == "frequency": return "fx" if field == "timedelta": return pd.NaT raise ValueError() if field == "timedelta": if potential_time in ["fx", "fixed"]: return pd.NaT return pd.to_timedelta(time_dictionary[potential_time]) return time_dictionary[potential_time] if file and not data: for delimiter in ["_", "."]: file_parts = Path(file).stem.split(delimiter) potential_times = [ segment for segment in file_parts if segment in time_dictionary.keys() ] if potential_times: if potential_times[0] in ["fx", "fixed"]: if field == "frequency": return "fx" if field == "timedelta": return pd.NaT raise ValueError(f"Field `{field}` not supported.") if field == "timedelta": return pd.to_timedelta(time_dictionary[potential_times[0]]) return time_dictionary[potential_times[0]] if file and data: for delimiter in ["_", "."]: file_parts = Path(file).stem.split(delimiter) potential_times = [ segment for segment in file_parts if segment in time_dictionary.keys() ] potential_time = data.get("frequency", "") if potential_time == "": if hasattr(data, "time"): time_units = data["time"].units potential_time = time_units.split()[0] else: logging.warning( f"Could not find `frequency` or `time` for {Path(file).name}. Assuming `fx`." ) potential_time = "fx" if potential_time in ["ymon", "yseas", "fixed", "fx"]: logging.warning( f"Found `{potential_time}`. Frequency is likely `fx`." ) if "fx" in file_parts or "fixed" in file_parts: if field == "frequency": return "fx" if field == "timedelta": return pd.NaT raise ValueError(f"Field `{field}` not supported.") if potential_time in potential_times: return time_dictionary[potential_time] elif potential_times: break logging.warning( f"Frequency from metadata (`{potential_time}`) not found in filename (`{Path(file).name}`): " "Performing more rigorous frequency checks." ) if Path(file).is_file() and Path(file).suffix in [".nc", ".nc4"]: engine = "netcdf4" elif Path(file).is_dir() and Path(file).suffix == ".zarr": engine = "zarr" else: raise DecoderError( f"File is not valid netcdf or zarr: {Path(file).name}" ) _ds = xr.open_dataset( file, engine=engine, drop_variables="time_bnds", ) if not hasattr(_ds, "time"): logging.warning( "Dataset does not contain time array. Assuming fixed variable." ) if field == "frequency": return "fx" if field == "timedelta": return pd.NaT raise ValueError(f"Field `{field}` not supported.") else: _, found_freq = get_time_frequency(_ds.time) if found_freq in potential_times: logging.warning( "Time frequency found in dataset on analysis was found in filename. " f"Metadata for `{Path(file).name} is probably incorrect. " f"Basing fields on `{found_freq}`." ) return time_dictionary[found_freq] elif found_freq in ["month", "mon"]: for f in ["Amon", "Omon", "monC", "monthly", "months", "mon"]: if f in potential_times: logging.warning( "Month-like time frequency found in dataset on analysis was found in filename. " f"Basing fields on `{f}`." ) return time_dictionary[f] else: logging.warning( "Time frequency found in dataset on analysis was not found in filename. " f"Basing fields on `{found_freq}`." ) return time_dictionary[found_freq] raise DecoderError(f"Time frequency indiscernible for file `{file}`.") @staticmethod def _decode_version(file: PathLike | str, data: dict) -> dict: """ Parameters ---------- file: os.PathLike or str data: dict Returns ------- dict """ version_info = dict() try: version_info["version"] = data["version"] except KeyError: possible_version = Path(file).parent if re.match(r"^[vV]\d+", version_info["version"] = else: possible_version_signature = possible_version.glob( f"{Path(file).stem}.v*" ) for sig in possible_version_signature: found_version = re.match(r"([vV]\d+)$", sig.suffix) if found_version: version_info["version"] = version_info["sha256sum"] = break else: version_info["version"] = "vNotFound" return version_info
[docs] @classmethod def decode_converted(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets.update(data) del facets["history"] facets["date"] = date file_format = data.get("output_format") if file_format: facets["format"] = file_format elif "format" in data: facets["format"] = data["format"] elif Path(file).suffix in [".nc", ".nc4"]: facets["format"] = "nc" elif Path(file).suffix in [".zarr"]: facets["format"] = "zarr" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: if "frequency" not in facets: facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_eccc_obs(self, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_ahccd_obs(self, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_melcc_obs(self, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def decode_pcic_candcs_u6(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: if "Derived" in Path(file).parents: raise NotImplementedError("Derived CanDCS-U6 variables are not supported.") facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["activity"] = data["activity_id"] facets["mip_era"] = data["project_id"] facets["bias_adjust_institution"] = "PCIC" facets["date"] = date facets["domain"] = data["domain"] facets["experiment"] = str(data["GCM__experiment_id"]).replace(",", "-") facets["format"] = "netcdf" facets["institution"] = data["GCM__institution_id"] facets["member"] = ( f"r{data['GCM__realization_index']}" f"i{data['GCM__initialization_index']}" f"p{data['GCM__physics_index']}" f"f{data['GCM__forcing_index']}" ) facets["processing_level"] = "biasadjusted" facets["bias_adjust_project"] = "CanDCS-U6" facets["source"] = data["GCM__source_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets["version"] = f"v{data.get('GCM__data_specs_version')}" if facets["version"] is None: facets.update(find_version_hash(file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_cmip6(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["activity"] = data["activity_id"] facets["date"] = date facets["domain"] = "global" facets["experiment"] = data["experiment_id"] facets["format"] = "netcdf" facets["grid_label"] = data["grid_label"] facets["institution"] = data["institution_id"] facets["member"] = data["variant_label"] facets["modeling_realm"] = data["realm"] facets["processing_level"] = "raw" facets["mip_era"] = data["mip_era"] facets["source"] = data["source_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_cmip5(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["activity"] = "CMIP" facets["date"] = date facets["domain"] = "global" facets["experiment"] = data["experiment_id"] facets["format"] = "netcdf" facets["institution"] = data["institute_id"] facets["member"] = data["parent_experiment_rip"] facets["modeling_realm"] = data["modeling_realm"] facets["processing_level"] = "raw" facets["mip_era"] = data["project_id"] facets["source"] = data["model_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_cordex(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return dict() # FIXME: What to do about our internal data that breaks all established conventions? facets["activity"] = "CORDEX" if data.get("project_id") == "" or data.get("project_id") is None: facets["mip_era"] = "internal" elif data.get("project_id") == "CORDEX": facets["mip_era"] = "CMIP5" if date == "r0i0p0": facets["date"] = "fx" else: facets["date"] = date domain = data.get("CORDEX_domain") if domain: facets["domain"] = domain.strip() else: domain = data.get("ouranos_domain_name") if domain: facets["domain"] = domain.strip() else: msg = f"File {Path(file).name} has a nonstandard domain name." logging.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # CORDEX-NAM on AWS mis-attributes the domain (22/44 should be 22i/44i) aws_keys = data.get("intake_esm_dataset_key") if aws_keys: facets["domain"] = aws_keys.split(".")[3] title = data.get("title") if title: regridded_domain_found ="\w{3}-\d{2}i", title) if regridded_domain_found: facets["domain"] = # The logic here is awful, but the information is bad to begin with. driving_model = "" driving_institution = "" driving_institution_parts = str(data["driving_model_id"]).split("-") if VALIDATION_ENABLED: if driving_institution_parts[0] in INSTITUTIONS: driving_institution = driving_institution_parts[0] elif "-".join(driving_institution_parts[:2]) in INSTITUTIONS: driving_institution = "-".join(driving_institution_parts[:2]) elif "-".join(driving_institution_parts[:3]) in INSTITUTIONS: driving_institution = "-".join(driving_institution_parts[:3]) else: logging.warning( "CORDEX Metadata validation checks require PyESSV. " "Driving institution cannot be determined." ) driving_model = data["driving_model_id"] if data["driving_model_id"].startswith("GFDL"): driving_institution = "NOAA-GFDL" driving_model = f"NOAA-GFDL-{data['driving_model_id']}" elif data["driving_model_id"].startswith("MPI-ESM"): driving_institution = "MPI-M" driving_model = f"MPI-M-{data['driving_model_id']}" elif data["driving_model_id"].startswith("HadGEM2"): driving_institution = "MOHC" driving_model = f"MOHC-{data['driving_model_id']}" elif data["driving_model_id"].startswith("CNRM-CM5"): driving_institution = "CNRM-CERFACS" driving_model = f"CNRM-CERFACS-{data['driving_model_id']}" elif VALIDATION_ENABLED and not driving_institution: raise DecoderError( "driving_institution (from driving_model_id: " f"`{data['driving_model_id']}`) is not valid." ) facets["driving_institution"] = driving_institution.strip() if driving_model: facets["driving_model"] = driving_model.strip() else: facets["driving_model"] = str(data["driving_model_id"]).strip() facets["format"] = "netcdf" if data["institute_id"].strip() == "Our.": facets["institution"] = "Ouranos" else: facets["institution"] = data["institute_id"].strip() facets["processing_level"] = "raw" facets["source"] = data["model_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass try: facets["experiment"] = data["experiment_id"].strip() except KeyError: facets["experiment"] = data["driving_experiment_name"].strip() try: for potential_member in ["parent_experiment_rip", "parent_experiment"]: facets["member"] = data.get(potential_member) if facets["member"] == "N/A": raise KeyError() else: break if facets["member"] is None: raise KeyError() except KeyError: facets["member"] = data["driving_model_ensemble_member"].strip() return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_isimip_ft(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["activity"] = "ISIMIP" facets["mip_era"] = data["project_id"] facets["date"] = date facets["domain"] = "global" facets["co2_forcing_id"] = data["co2_forcing_id"] facets["experiment"] = data["experiment_id"] facets["format"] = "netcdf" facets["impact_model"] = data["impact_model_id"] facets["institution"] = data["institute_id"] facets["member"] = data["driving_model_ensemble_member"] facets["modeling_realm"] = data["modeling_realm"] facets["social_forcing_id"] = data["social_forcing_id"] facets["source"] = data["model_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info(data=data, field="frequency") facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_nex_gddp_cmip6(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["experiment"] = data["scenario"] facets["activity"] = ( "CMIP" if facets["experiment"] == "historical" else "ScenarioMIP" ) facets["institution"] = data["cmip6_institution_id"] facets["member"] = data["variant_label"] facets["processing_level"] = "biasadjusted" facets["bias_adjust_project"] = "NEX-GDDP-CMIP6" facets["bias_adjust_institution"] = "NASA" facets["mip_era"] = "CMIP6" facets["source"] = data["cmip6_source_id"] facets["type"] = "simulation" facets["variable"] = variable facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_espo_g6_r2(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["bias_adjust_project"] = "ESPO-G6-R2" facets["processing_level"] = "biasadjusted" facets["version"] = "1.0.0" facets["domain"] = "NAM" for f in [ "experiment", "activity", "institution", "member", "bias_adjust_institution", "mip_era", "source", "type", ]: facets[f] = data[f"cat:{f}"] facets["variable"] = variable # facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets
[docs] @classmethod def decode_espo_g6_e5l(cls, file: PathLike | str) -> dict: facets = dict() try: variable, date, data = cls._from_dataset(file=file) except DecoderError: return facets facets["bias_adjust_project"] = "ESPO-G6-E5L" facets["processing_level"] = "biasadjusted" facets["version"] = "1.0.0" facets["domain"] = "NAM" for f in [ "experiment", "activity", "institution", "member", "bias_adjust_institution", "mip_era", "source", "type", ]: facets[f] = data[f"cat:{f}"] facets["variable"] = variable # facets.update(cls._decode_version(data=data, file=file)) facets.update(cls._decode_hour_of_day_info(file=file)) try: facets["frequency"] = cls._decode_time_info( data=data, file=file, field="frequency" ) facets["timedelta"] = cls._decode_time_info( term=facets["frequency"], field="timedelta" ) facets["date_start"] = date_parser(date) facets["date_end"] = date_parser(date, end_of_period=True) except DecoderError: pass return facets