Source code for miranda.ecmwf._tigge

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging.config
import multiprocessing
import os
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as td
from pathlib import Path

from miranda.scripting import LOGGING_CONFIG


__all__ = ["request_tigge"]

[docs]def request_tigge( variables: list[str], providers: list[str] | None = None, *, forecast_type: str = "pf", times: list[str] | None = None, dates: list[str] | None = None, date_start: str | None = None, date_end: str | None = None, output_folder: os.PathLike | None = None, processes: int = 4, ) -> None: """Request tigge data from ECMWF in grib format. Parameters ---------- variables : list of str providers : ist of str, optional forecast_type: {"pf", "cf"} times : list of str, optional dates : list of str. optional date_start : str, optional date_end : str, optional output_folder : os.PathLike, optional processes : int Returns ------- None """ def _request_direct_tigge( variable_name: str, variable_code: str, time: str, fc_type: str, provider: str, nums: int | None, date: str, ): """Launch formatted request.""" try: from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"{_request_direct_tigge.__name__} requires additional dependencies. " "Please install them with `pip install miranda[remote]`." ) number_range = "" if nums: number_range = "/".join([str(n) for n in range(1, nums + 1)]) output_name = ( f"{variable_name}_{provider}_{'-'.join(time.split('/'))}_tigge_reanalysis_6h_" f"{date.split('/')[0]}_{date.split('/')[-1]}.grib2" ) # Note: This is only valid for ECMWF at the moment. steps = ( "0/6/12/18/24/30/36/42/48/54/60/66/72/78/84/90/96/102/108/114/120/126/132/138/144/150/156/162/168/" "174/180/186/192/198/204/210/216/222/228/234/240/246/252/258/264/270/276/282/288/294/300/306/312/318/324/" "330/336/342/348/354/360" ) # Remove steps 0 for tasmax and tasmin if variable_code in [121, 122]: steps = steps[2:] request = { "class": "ti", "dataset": "tigge", "date": date, "expver": "prod", "grid": "0.5/0.5", "levtype": "sfc", "origin": provider, "param": variable_code, "step": steps, "time": time, "type": fc_type, "target": output_name, } if nums: request.update({"number": number_range}) server = ECMWFDataServer() server.retrieve(request) # Providers of interest if providers is None: providers = ["ecmf"] if output_folder is None: target = Path().cwd().joinpath("download") else: target = Path(output_folder) Path(target).mkdir(exist_ok=True) os.chdir(target) if not times: times = ["00/12"] if date_start and date_end: start = ( - td(days=4)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") finish = ( - td(days=3)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") date_range = f"{start}/to/{finish}" times.append(date_range) elif dates: pass else: raise ValueError() tigge_variables = dict() tigge_variables["uas"] = 165 tigge_variables["vas"] = 166 tigge_variables["tas"] = 167 tigge_variables["tds"] = 168 tigge_variables["pr"] = 222 tigge_variables["swe"] = 228144 tigge_variables["tasmax"] = 121 tigge_variables["tasmin"] = 122 if variables is None: variables = tigge_variables.keys() project_members = dict( dems=44, kwbc=26, cwao=20, ecmf=50, babj=30, egrr=23, rksl=24, rjtd=50, edzw=40, lfpw=34, ammc=32, ) for v in variables: var_num = tigge_variables[v] for t in times: for d in dates: for p in providers: proc = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes) config = dict( variable_name=v, variable_code=var_num, time=t, provider=p, dates=d, ) num_dict = dict() if forecast_type == "pf": numbers = project_members[p] num_dict[numbers] = numbers func = functools.partial( _request_direct_tigge, **config, **num_dict )[func,"%Y-%m-%d %X")]), dates) proc.close() proc.join()