Source code for miranda.utils

"""Miscellaneous Helper Utilities module."""
from __future__ import annotations

import gzip
import logging.config
import os
import re
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import warnings
import zipfile
from import Iterable, Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TextIO

from .scripting import LOGGING_CONFIG


__all__ = [

# For datetime validation
ISO_8601 = (

[docs]class HiddenPrints: """Special context manager for hiding print statements. Notes ----- Solution from Credit to Alexander C ( CC-BY-SA 4.0 ( """ def __enter__(self): self._original_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = self._original_stdout
[docs]def chunk_iterables(iterable: Sequence, chunk_size: int) -> Iterable: """Generate lists of `chunk_size` elements from `iterable`. Notes ----- Adapted from eidord (2012) ( """ iterable = iter(iterable) while True: chunk = list() try: for _ in range(chunk_size): chunk.append(next(iterable)) yield chunk except StopIteration: if chunk: yield chunk break
[docs]@contextmanager def working_directory(directory: str | Path) -> None: """Change the working directory within a context object. This function momentarily changes the working directory within the context and reverts to the file working directory when the code block it is acting upon exits Parameters ---------- directory : str or pathlib.Path Returns ------- None """ owd = os.getcwd() if (2, 7) < sys.version_info < (3, 6): directory = str(directory) try: os.chdir(directory) yield directory finally: os.chdir(owd)
[docs]def single_item_list(iterable: Iterable) -> bool: """Ascertain whether a list has exactly one entry. See: Parameters ---------- iterable : Iterable Returns ------- bool """ iterator = iter(iterable) has_true = any(iterator) # consume from "i" until first true or it's exhausted has_another_true = any( iterator ) # carry on consuming until another true value / exhausted return has_true and not has_another_true # True if exactly one true found
[docs]def generic_extract_archive( resources: str | Path | list[bytes | str | Path], output_dir: str | Path | None = None, ) -> list[Path]: """Extract archives (tar/zip) to a working directory. Parameters ---------- resources : str or Path or list of bytes or str or Path list of archive files (if netCDF files are in list, they are passed and returned as well in the return). output_dir : str or Path, optional string or Path to a working location (default: temporary folder). Returns ------- list List of original or of extracted files """ archive_types = [".gz", ".tar", ".zip", ".7z"] output_dir = output_dir or tempfile.gettempdir() if not isinstance(resources, list): resources = [resources] files = list() for arch in resources: if any(ext in str(arch).lower() for ext in archive_types): try: logging.debug("archive=%s", arch) file = Path(arch) if file.suffix == ".nc": files.append(Path(output_dir.join(arch))) elif file.suffix == ".tar": with, mode="r") as tar: tar.extractall(path=output_dir) files.extend( [Path(output_dir).joinpath(f) for f in tar.getnames()] ) elif file.suffix == ".zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(arch, mode="r") as zf: zf.extractall(path=output_dir) files.extend( [Path(output_dir).joinpath(f) for f in zf.namelist()] ) elif file.suffix == ".gz": logging.warning( "GZIP file found. Can only extract one expected file." ) with, "rb") as gf, open( Path(output_dir).joinpath(arch.stem), "w" ) as f_out: f_out.write("utf-8")) files.append(Path(output_dir).joinpath(arch.stem)) elif file.suffix == ".7z": msg = "7z file extraction is not supported at this time." logging.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) else: logging.debug('File extension "%s" unknown' % file) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to extract sub archive {arch}: {e}") else: logging.warning("No archives found. Continuing...") return resources return files
[docs]def list_paths_with_elements( base_paths: str | list[str], elements: list[str] ) -> list[dict]: """List a given path structure. Parameters ---------- base_paths : list of str List of paths from which to start the search. elements : list of str Ordered list of the expected elements. Returns ------- list of dict The keys are 'path' and each of the members of the given elements, the path is the absolute path. Notes ----- Suppose you have the following structure: /base_path/{color}/{shape} The resulting list would look like:: [{'path':/base_path/red/square, 'color':'red', 'shape':'square'}, {'path':/base_path/red/circle, 'color':'red', 'shape':'circle'}, {'path':/base_path/blue/triangle, 'color':'blue', 'shape':'triangle'}, ...] Obviously, 'path' should not be in the input list of elements. """ # Make sure the base_paths input is a list of absolute path paths = list() if not hasattr(base_paths, "__iter__"): paths.append(base_paths) paths = map(os.path.abspath, base_paths) # If elements list is empty, return empty list (end of recursion). if not elements: return list() paths_elements = list() for base_path in paths: try: path_content = [f for f in Path(base_path).iterdir()] except NotADirectoryError: continue path_content.sort() next_base_paths = [] for path_item in path_content: next_base_paths.append(base_path.joinpath(path_item)) next_pe = list_paths_with_elements(next_base_paths, elements[1:]) if next_pe: for i, one_pe in enumerate(next_pe): relative_path = next_pe[i]["path"].replace(base_path, "", 1) new_element = relative_path.split("/")[1] next_pe[i][elements[0]] = new_element paths_elements.extend(next_pe) elif len(elements) == 1: for my_path, my_item in zip(next_base_paths, path_content): paths_elements.append({"path": my_path, elements[0]: my_item}) return paths_elements
[docs]def publish_release_notes( style: str = "md", file: os.PathLike | StringIO | TextIO | None = None ) -> str | None: """Format release history in Markdown or ReStructuredText. Parameters ---------- style : {"rst", "md"} Use ReStructuredText formatting or Markdown. Default: Markdown. file : {os.PathLike, StringIO, TextIO}, optional If provided, prints to the given file-like object. Otherwise, returns a string. Returns ------- str, optional Notes ----- This function is solely for development purposes. """ history_file = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("HISTORY.rst") if not history_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("History file not found in miranda file tree.") with open(history_file) as hf: history = if style == "rst": hyperlink_replacements = { r":issue:`([0-9]+)`": r"`GH/\1 <\1>`_", r":pull:`([0-9]+)`": r"`PR/\1 <\>`_", r":user:`([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)`": r"`@\1 <\1>`_", } elif style == "md": hyperlink_replacements = { r":issue:`([0-9]+)`": r"[GH/\1](\1)", r":pull:`([0-9]+)`": r"[PR/\1](\1)", r":user:`([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)`": r"[@\1](\1)", } else: raise NotImplementedError() for search, replacement in hyperlink_replacements.items(): history = re.sub(search, replacement, history) if style == "md": history = history.replace(".. :changelog:\n\n", "") history = history.replace("=======\nHistory\n=======", "# History") titles = {r"\n(.*?)\n([\-]{1,})": "-", r"\n(.*?)\n([\^]{1,})": "^"} for title_expression, level in titles.items(): found = re.findall(title_expression, history) for grouping in found: fixed_grouping = ( str(grouping[0]).replace("(", r"\(").replace(")", r"\)") ) search = rf"({fixed_grouping})\n([\{level}]{'{' + str(len(grouping[1])) + '}'})" replacement = f"{'##' if level=='-' else '###'} {grouping[0]}" history = re.sub(search, replacement, history) link_expressions = r"[\`]{1}([\w\s]+)\s<(.+)>`\_" found = re.findall(link_expressions, history) for grouping in found: search = rf"`{grouping[0]} <.+>`\_" replacement = f"[{str(grouping[0]).strip()}]({grouping[1]})" history = re.sub(search, replacement, history) if not file: return history if isinstance(file, (Path, os.PathLike)): file = Path(file).open("w") print(history, file=file)
def read_privileges(location: str | Path, strict: bool = False) -> bool: """Determine whether a user has read privileges to a specific file. Parameters ---------- location: str or Path strict: bool Returns ------- bool Whether the current user shell has read privileges """ msg = "" try: if Path(location).exists(): if os.access(location, os.R_OK): msg = f"{location} is read OK!" return True msg = f"Ensure read privileges for `{location}`." else: msg = f"`{location}` is an invalid path." raise OSError() except OSError: logging.exception(msg) if strict: raise return False